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4 Keys to Memorizing Scripture

201: going deeper practical tips scripture Dec 06, 2022

Have you ever marveled at the people who could quote scripture off the top of their heads? I definitely used to. I was amazed at the number of scriptures that easily rolled off their tongues and I always wanted to do the same! 

I’ve gotta admit, I originally didn’t understand the idea of hiding God’s Word in my heart. I thought that the more scriptures I had memorized, the more “saved” I would be and the more important I would look in God’s eyes. That, my dear friend, is confusing works and pride with a genuine relationship with the Lord!


Why Memorize Scripture?

While I know better now, I first want to share with you the importance of having scripture in our hearts. We have scripture for several reasons (outlined in this article) and hiding God’s Word in our hearts equips us for everyday living.

Memorizing scripture:

  • Equips us to use His Word as a weapon against the schemes of the enemy (Ephesians 6:10-17)
  • Helps us remember to live according to God’s ways (Psalm 119:11)
  • Guides us down the right paths (Psalm 119:105)
  • Aids us to test every spirit (1 John 4:1) 

Holy Spirit can help us remember scriptures, especially during the times we need them most. Remember that we’re running a marathon, not a race. Give yourself lots of grace! Now try these 4 tips as you begin to memorize scripture:



1. Keep It Short and Sweet 

Start with shorter scriptures, or break down a longer scripture into sections. Don’t put pressure on yourself to overcomplicate things. If the first scripture you want to memorize is "Jesus wept" then do your thing! I mean we know it's a scripture, but do we know what book it comes from? Seriously, you could start here. K.I.S.S. - Keep It Short Sis! 

2. Put It Everywhere

Have you ever found yourself going into your phone for something...and somehow ending up on social media because the apps were in your face on your home screen?

Use this same concept with the scripture you're memorizing!

Have a notecard by your bed, another one taped to your car dashboard, write it on your mirror with an expo marker, put it on your fridge, etc. The more visible it is, the easier it is to take a moment to memorize it. Do what you’ve gotta do, boo!

3. Repetition

There’s nothing like writing things down to stick something in your mind. Write whatever verses you’re memorizing over and over again until you can write them from memory.

If you’re rehearsing verbally, say the scripture over and over again - you can even record yourself and repeat the scripture alongside your recording.  

4. Review

I don’t know if the cool kids still do this these days, but I grew up learning multiplication facts from flashcards. We had to review them until they were memorized. Then we’d come back weeks later and get tested to make sure we still retained the information. 

Just like those old multiplication facts, revisit previously memorized scriptures to make sure you didn't forget them. Every few days or weeks, pull out your index cards or other memorization materials and "test" yourself. 


Remember that God sees your progress and He cares about what you’re doing. He wants you to hide His Word in your heart to equip you, not to raise your status in His eyes. Don’t overcomplicate the process and again, give yourself grace! 

If you’re looking for resources to help you on your scripture memorization journey, check these out sis!

Love ya lots 💕

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