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Your Emotions Matter to God

301: live it out spiritual growth Dec 07, 2022

I remember going through one of the hardest times of my life and pushing away my feelings to behave "as a good Christian should."

I had a situation with someone that rocked my world and I wanted to be so angry with them! Instead, I (outwardly) gave them compassion because at that moment they needed it more than I needed my anger. 

However, the result left me angry with God. I felt like I passed the "good Christian test" on the outside, but I also felt like God didn't care about my feelings. It didn’t seem fair.

I began to question this Christian walk because if it meant constantly invalidating my own feelings then I didn't want any part of it! Was this the God that claimed He loved me?


Honestly, it took me a few months (and healing and therapy and Bible study) to understand that God cares deeply about our hurt feelings. He cares about them SO much that He sent Himself in human form (hint: Jesus) to die for them.

All of our negative, hurtful emotions are a result of sin in this world and weren't in the original plan anyways! 

Not only did Jesus die for them, but He sits on the right hand of God interceding for all that we release to Him (Romans 8:34). I wrote an entire blog post dedicated to who Jesus is so I won’t belabor the point - understand that if anyone gets what these measly human emotions feel like, it’s Him. 


The key is for us to actually release these feelings to God.

Yes, God cares about how we feel. At the same time, He doesn't want us to sit in our gloom for too long because that can open the doorway for something much worse:

  • Anger becomes resentment and bitterness
  • Sadness becomes depression
  • Worry becomes anxiety
  • Stress becomes continuous overwhelm
  • A negative thought becomes a constant battle for your mind

I don’t know about you, sis, but if freedom is my portion I want to live in that (2 Corinthians 3:17, Galatians 5:1).

At the same time, I. can admit that I spent a lot of time thinking I was releasing, but I was actually burying my emotions! Take it from me, if you push them down long enough, they'll eventually come out, and usually at the worst times  (outbursts, anyone?!). So what does release look like?  

Over the past few years, I’ve gotten a process down for releasing to God and it’s helped me tremendously! I’ve felt His love and peace deeper than ever, and I use the following scripture from Philippians to guide me. 

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

This is what works for me, but as always, find what works best for you! 


1. Acknowledge the Feelings Are There!

  • Take a moment and identify exactly what you're feeling.
  • Pull out a feelings wheel (Google it) if you need to.
  • Ask God to help you identify your feelings - Holy Spirit will come through, trust me!

An Important Note: Anger is a secondary emotion. Go deeper and figure out what’s underneath (e.g. "I'm feeling disrespected" or “I’m feeling jealous”). 

2. Sit and Observe

Sitting with our feelings can be uncomfortable. However, the temporary discomfort is worth the FREEDOM after release! Stop running and sit. 

  • Sit and acknowledge the emotion again
  • Observe your body - Are your fists clenching, is your heart racing, are you having difficulty concentrating?
  • Bonus: Write! Journal your thoughts and write about why you are feeling this way. What happened that caused this emotion to pop up?

3. Prayer and Supplication

Now it’s time to walk through Philippians! Pray to God earnestly and humbly (supplication) with gratitude. 

  • Identity aloud, “God, I’m feeling…”
  • Talk about the circumstances that led to that emotion
  • Tell Him the depth of how you’re feeling about it
  • Acknowledge how you need His help to get you through 
  • Find places where you can be grateful

4. Make Your Requests Known

  • Ask Him to receive these emotions 
  • Ask Him for help to release them
  • Ask Him for wisdom and guidance
  • Ask for whatever you need to help you make it through

5. Receive His Peace

We exchange our hurt for God’s peace. Receive the peace that surpasses all understanding and protects your heart and your mind. 


Sis, God cares about your emotions. He is with you while you experience them. Acknowledge them and release them to Him in exchange for His peace. You are so deeply loved and your emotions matter to God! 

Love ya lots 💕

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Why I Develop Prayers for the Year

Your Emotions Matter to God

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