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Why I Develop Prayers for the Year

301: live it out accountability practical tips Dec 29, 2022

There’s so much hype around setting goals for the new year and I’ve started to find it to be overrated!

I don’t know about you, but in the past I used to create these outlandish goals - they were all about what I could dream up and had no fingerprint of God in sight. 

Not only that, but I found myself constantly disappointed and ashamed that I didn’t reach my goals.

As I’ve grown over the years, I’ve found myself focusing less on goals and more on prayers to start off my year. These prayers are less about what I want and more about who I want to partner with God to become. 

To be honest, I’ve even started implementing this a month or quarter at a time instead of a full year out! 

I want to acknowledge that I DO still create a few goals (see Creating Christ-Centered Goals), but I focus more on my list of prayers. It’s my way of living out Jesus’ command to us:

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Matthew 6:33 (NKJV)

Check out the 3 reasons why I’ve decided to shift my focus to prayers when planning with God (and recommend you do too):

1. To Be Prepared for What I'm Asking For

I realized that for many of my goals, I didn’t have the heart posture to keep them even if I achieved them. Changing my focus to prayers helped me ensure that I was prepared for what I was asking for. 

For Example: Instead of my focus being idolizing “Homeownership,” my prayer was for God to help me be a better steward of my finances. 

2. To ACTUALLY Involve God

Sometimes our goals go against His will for us in a certain season. My goals were based on what I wanted and not what God was showing me for my life. 

Now be warned, your prayers could still do the same thing! Your free guide will help you make sure that doesn’t happen. 

For me, focusing on my prayers kept me constantly in tune with God to partner with Him instead of throwing my goals at Him.

3. For Peace

What happens when you’re 2 months left in the year and realize most of your outlandish goals haven’t been accomplished?! 

I found myself with a LOT of anxiety and disappointment, and I was totally the cause of it. 

Developing my Christ-centered goals and focusing on partnering with God through prayer has definitely brought me that peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7)! 

Sample Prayer Points

Here are a few examples of what your prayers for the year could look like.

There’s a more extensive list with recommendations in the guide below, but this should give you a good idea! 

God has a purpose and a plan for your life, sis!

If you’re looking for more guidance on how to sit with God and develop your prayers for the month/quarter/year, I wrote this FREE 22-page guide for you. It not only walks you through this process but helps you develop goals that align with God’s will for your life. 

While it’s set for the year, it’s great to implement every month or quarter too! Do what works best for you. 

Click the image below to get access and enjoy! Love ya lots 💕

More on the Blog

Creating Christ-Centered Goals

Why I Develop Prayers for the Year

Your Emotions Matter to God

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